September 8, 2011

Transitional Phase

Off the Trail.  In my hometown for a while, working in restaurant(s) and looking for full-time theatrical employment.  This transitional phase is weird.

I only know that job hunting is difficult, and so is adjusting to a new phase of life; I'm not a student anymore, I'm a working adult.  There's a whole new set of habits to form regarding my times with God and my other pursuits, especially seeing people.  When you're profession, by it's nature, is supposed to operate during most of the local population's free time (nights and weekends) your time off becomes mornings and random weekdays.  Fortunately for me there's a small demographic that is both available and willing to meet with me for meals pretty often; that demographic is "pastors of Warrenton Bible Fellowship."  I'm not sure if they've noticed this but if Pastor John and I plan a meal next week then I'll have met with the entire pastoral staff in the span of a few days.

The uncertainty of my future is not so much worrisome as it is grindingly frustrating.  That itself comes from attempting to figure out what I'll be doing with it, and where; I know I want to go into theater but I'm not sure what kind of job I get, and I could be anywhere in the country.

I'm not entire sure what I'm learning from this.  I know that at a minimum, I'm maturing.  It's definitely tough to not be around people very often, except my dad at home and some co-workers.  The good things are that I'm reading a lot, practicing guitar and working out.  I'm looking at everything I'm doing and asking how I can glorify God in it; I'm less successful at walking this out than I want to be.  It is a thought I keep returning too, and I can say thankfully that there is some good fruit coming of this.

I want to blog more, for two reasons.  One, because articulating my thoughts and feelings and making them public really gets me going down healthy paths when I write about issues.  Second, I have received enough feedback about this blog that I know it's something God uses through me to glorify himself, so I want to do that.  Next post, I'll talk about selling my Wii (video game system, if you're wondering) on Ebay and the process I went through to decide to do so.

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand how you're feeling. I too, am in that weird transitional phase where I haven't quite figured out how to get from where I am to what I want to do. But God is every faithful. I'll be praying for you. :)
